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Tzedakah Software

Software Serving Others

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Tzedakah's Mission

Tzedakah [ts(e)daˈka] (Hebrew: צדקה‎) is the common Hebrew word for "Charity". The Tribe of Judah asserts that the most elevated form of charity is helping others to elevate themselves. Tzedakah Software aims to do that with the skillset we possess: Software Development. Tzedakah is committed to developing Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools that underprivileged individuals, organizations, and businesses need to stay competent in the modern world.

With powerful tools and software services being deployed every day, persons and groups can utilize these tools to accelerate, if they are able to pay for pricey licenses. We wish to create competitive alternatives to said tools and services for free to those who need it; relying on donations from those who can give it.

Current Projects - Data Visualization

Visit Data Lovelace Screenshot

Lovelace is a simple to use web application that puts the power of data reporting into the hands of those who need it for free. It is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) project.

With Lovelace you can take all of your varying data sources, aggregate them to one place, and perform what ever kind of reports on them you need to either create beautiful chart representations, or robust tabular exports of your data.

brightScreen - VS Code Extension

Visit brightScreen Screenshot

brightScreen is an extension for your favorite text editor (as long as your text editor is VS Code) that brings interactive coding tutorials to help bring a new dynamic to learning. Instead of just following along with an article or video, you can download coding challenges that help solidify those theoretical lessons into something tangible.

brightScreen is a great place for software instructors to create interactive homework for those that follow their courses, videos, or articles. The amount of effort in setting up a brightScreen course is virtually non existent. - ML Archiving and Digitizing Tool

Visit brightScreen Screenshot

With textualize you can images of newspaper articles, books, and other documents into text, all within your browser.

This tool was develop to provide a free and easy tool for digitizers and archivist. Have fun! 😊

Contribute and Support

Please consider contributing to these projects or becoming a sponsor. Tzedakah will continue to create FOSS tools aimed at helping those who need these tools the most. Sponsorships help ensure adequate resources, feature requests and awareness can grow. If you can not contribute or sponsor please share our efforts with others.

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